Wednesday 4 February 2015


Minor Epiphany

So my original concept for my minigame (minimum 3 levels) revolved around the idea of a lost dog trying to find its way back home, avoiding obvious traps such as dog catchers and other dogs. 

However, a game from last year, "Nine Lives", also used the concept of a household pet (a cat, hence the name) trying to get home, which would become problematic for plagiarism and other concerns. 

So after racking my brains for a while a minor epiphany occurred to me....DUCKS. 

Why not a 'scavenger' game based on a mother duck scrambling around a map into different areas, trying to find and collect her lost ducklings?

For instance, a map based on three areas of different environments (ie woodland, busy road, park...etc) with different tasks to accomplish in order to achieve bread (to provide energy etc) to find the ducklings from each area.
The main plan is that once the mother duck has collected one duckling, it then follows her throughout the game. The mother then has to protect her ducklings from falling down drains and crossing the road safely and the like (perhaps once the mother is safely across the road, the player has to get each duckling across in turn?) - this then shows what kind of gamer the player is as obviously fully grown ducks can fly - but then they'd have to risk the lives of their ducklings.

So this is still only a work in progress but I finally have an idea!! Yay!

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