Wednesday 4 February 2015

Panic Stations

Totally not panicking....nope.

So for a module in Game Design this year, this blog will serve as a "Developer Diary" as such. 
Having never even designed, coded or imagined my own game, i think it would be pretty safe to say I'm worried about this.

Ideas so far have hit walls every time, either for being too complicated or far too simplistic (I have a lot of gamer friends and don't consider myself a 'hardcore' gamer in anything). The amount of time spent with my head on the desk, fighting off a migraine, is starting to become silly. Even trying out ideas on other friends has led to nothing more than a childish concept and a spin-off of Pacman...which is still far too complicated to code.

...and we have to pitch these ideas next week. Standing in front of the class for 6 minutes.. I tend to panic when I have to present. 

So to sum panic. Maybe. Possibly.

...Okay yes, I'm panicking.

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