Wednesday 4 March 2015

So I haven't done a blog post for a long time... (which is about a fortnight)

But a quick update: All my sprites are animated including the following

> Quackers (Main playable character)

> Wanda (AI duckling sibling)

> Ava (AI duckling sibling)

The park level after collecting Wanda and Ava

> Bill (AI duckling sibling)

> Cheese (AI sidekick)

> Fox (Predator for Woodland level

> Cat (For the city level)

Plus a few extra things for aesthetics, such as a rabbit, frog and owl.

The worldmap is now a work in progress, as I need to find a better background than just green tiles...

But above is a quick snapshot of the Park level, wherein Quackers, Wanda and Ava have to stick together and swim from top to bottom whilst avoiding obstacles such as fisherman hooks, rocks and debris (objects to come this week).

Now working on making Quackers move...
I mean, the duck moves normally when the left, right, up and down keys are pressed. That's fine. The problem is the key being pressed must be released before the next key is pressed, which isn't actually much of a problem in a top-down game - especially in the park level where really you only need the keys one at a time. The problem will be when I create the woodland area and you need to be able to move quickly.

But still, it's a work in progress and I do think it might actually be done on time - as long as I invest in plenty of super strong coffee and energy drinks.

N.B It does feel a bit like I haven't actually gotten very far with the game, but due to a family bereavement this weekend, I need to distract myself so hopefully the work will get done even quicker than expected!

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